There are some occasions in life when a person is moving from one phase to another in his life. This happens when we shift base so to say, for example when we leave college, or shift jobs, or change locations. It implies a change. Who said "change is good?", well no doubts it is, but all the subsidiary stuff that goes alongwith that change is in no way good.
Funny how closely life represents a wave on the beach huh? All the crests represent the points in your life when you thing you are on top of the world, no one can touch you and your blissful existence is above all. You have friends you think you will never leave, a lifestyle you think is the best and dont wanna change. That state of existence seems to last forever and you think the way forward can only be things better, oh! how wrong you are! For soon afterwards follows a trough.
This is the part of your life when you are just going through the motions so to say, just 'living life'. There is the last crest that you keep turning back to look at, and there is this next crest in front of you that keeps beckoning. We are caught between the glorious yesterday and the promising tomorrow. What does one do? We are dying to embrace the next crest in life, but are unable to let go of the last is a dilemna of sorts. What we need to do is learn from our yesterday, and work towards making tomorrow even better than it looks to be. Thats easier said than done. Well thats where we are in life right now friends...but the future beckons lads! We will be atop that crest one day, and that's what keeps us going.
The most important thing to remember is not these crests and inadvertant troughs my friends, but it is that - Like all waves, this one too will eventually fizz out on the sea shore. It will leave behind nothing but markings on the sand only to be washed aside by the next wave. The endeavour will always be to wash furthest upshore so that you make a mark so far ahead that only few others will reach.
p.s Just wrote this article out of a 'flow' without thinking much, hope that you can catch the unstated facts that are present as 'strong undercurrents' throughout the article