That i love :
1. Having nothing to do or think about.
2. Meeting long lost friends.
3. Spending time with parents.
4. Watching Manchester United win.
5. Winning.
6. Pfaffing. (Talking about things that you know very little about, but still making a damn good job of it : P )
7. Music, Movies, Books.
8. Toddler talk.(In fact, anything to do with toddlers, infants and the like : P)
9. Going to sleep.
10. Fish.
That i hate :
1. Waking up.
2. Doing work. (Any kind of work, and i go ugh!)
3. Changing clothes.
4. Rain.
5. Questions.
6. Advice, both giving and taking.
7. Bills.
8. Verbose people.
9. Insects.
10. Telephonic conversation.
That don't bother me :
1. Details, technicality.
2. Foul smells.
3. Bad food.
4. Travelling.
5. Rules.
6. Money.
7. My appearance.
8. Politics.
9. Relatives (well, some).
10. Studying.
Hmmm...there it is. Maybe i didn't do this the right way, but am still looking for my soul...Go on give it a shot.