In case you are wondering whats that in the brackets in the title, its the name of the hindi dubbed version of the new 3D release, Avatar. James Cameron is no newbie when it comes to special effects. Titanic and Terminator 2: Judgement Day being his previous claims to CGI fame. With Avatar he seeks to repeat the performance and infact take it to a new dimension (literally! since the movie is 3D). There's a problem though....there aint no story. It is heard that the story germinated some 13 years back and the movie completed only now as the advances in animation technology would not support a movie of this stature that long ago. Well now onto the movie.
I went to the movie with a whole bunch of close friends. The disclaimer here is that i was never big on these kinda movies that i call the 'Jaadu-Tona' genre :P. LOTR and Harry Potter being exceptions. So it was with a pinch of salt that i decided to go along. Knowing that it is rather the company i would enjoy than the movie itself. The movie has the standard story line...Spy, girl, girl's father, love, allegiances, fight, victory of good over bad. Now that took well into 3 hours to depict. Seriously, if i wanted to just watch the awesome graphics and the breathtaking display of lights...i would watch the scenes on youtube. The 3D glasses were more of a nuisance than anything. I mean try balancing heavy plastic sharp objects on your nose for 3 hours and then tell me about it. It gave me a headache frankly. However, credit where its due, when i did wake up from my slumber and watched the ending fight sequence, a few scenes actually made me strafe to avoid oncoming bullets and arrows. Other than that there is nothing to really write home about in the movie. Although the end result was a superb visual treat, it was like watching a firework display for 3 hours. You get bored somewhere down the line and you neck starts to stiffen. So you take off those silly glasses that have been giving you a headache, thank god that you are in the corner seat, and dose off wondering whether you could have put the 3 hours to better use. The best part of the movie was when it got over. Atleast the movie gave us enough conversational topics like poking fun at the alien kissing scene (which was seriously not required) and tall friends being likened to the Pandorans. A couple of my pals even did some research to fathom the meaning of the whole thing. Me? I havent thought of the movie since, i have exams coming up.