Monday, January 18, 2010

To crave, to find

A simple joy, I crave to find,
Some quiet please, a mellow breeze,
A break serene, from constant grind,
A mind at peace, a heart at ease.

I crave to find, a time divine,
A sudden laugh, a stray tear,
A twinkle in the eye, that set on mine,
A soothing touch mere, I shall forever revere.

The dawn beckons, to attain I strive,
Their signals warn, its not our kind,
It's they who fear, my endeavor will be deprived, mind is find.


jiYa said...

Wow..beautiful! :)
I didn't know you are poetic! poetic too rather.. :D

Saurabh Khadke said...

hahaha...i didnt know either...its my first attempt :-)